Monday, July 28, 2008

Girls Getaway Weekend

Mom, Val, & I stayed a night in Brown County, IN for some shopping.  We had a really good time.  We stayed at the Hotel Nashville and got to go swimming & hot tubbing.  We went to an outdoor concert, and SHOPPED till we dropped!  Here is us at the outdoor concert, and then having lunch at "That Sandwich Shop" where they had tons of Bobby Knight stuff.  I'm home now and rejuvinated before I have to wave goodbye to my summer and say hello to another school year!

Enjoying a smoothie, and the sights, in Brown County!

Friday, July 25, 2008

A girl of many talents!

Yesterday, she had her own band with musical glasses, while sister & I played "back-up" bowls and spoons!  Today she's a hawaiian beauty!

Another trip to the Indianapolis Zoo

Yesterday we went to the REAL zoo (now that mommy is feeling better).  

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Smithapolis Zoo

When you're not feeling well, and your kids ask you to take them to the zoo, sometimes a mom just has to get creative!  The girls & I made our own zoo out of our dining room furniture!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My gorgeous girls ready for 9:30 church service this morning

Who wants s-more?

We had friends over on Saturday for some smores!  Nora wasn't so sure about the sticky marshmallows that were stuck to her fingers.  Everyone chowed-down on them!  After, the girls hugged up with some popcorn and snacks for a movie!

Olivia has a sleepover

Abby, Olivia's friend from preschool &  bible school, spent the night with us on Friday.  The girls painted nails, played dress up, and played at the park.  They stayed up until 11pm!  The little party-animals!  : )

We enjoyed our last day at VBS on Friday!

What a wonderful experience!  The kids were energetic & fun.  We made some new friends this week.  On Friday we put on a program for all of the parents and the kids sang all the songs they had learned this week.  We will definitely participate again next summer!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another fun day at VBS!

We had another great morning today- snacks, games, stories, songs, & crafts.  Nora's 2's & 3's class got to join us in the sanctuary for music.  She got to come and sit with her mommy during the songs.  She was "boogying-down"!

Monday, July 14, 2008

VBS started today

Vacation Bible School at our church, Avon United Methodist, started today.  I was the Leader for Olivia's kindergarten group.  We had a great time- snacks, crafts, recreation, music, & bible stories.  She will go everyday this week from 9a-12p.  Olivia & her friends had a ball!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Playtime Extravaganza!

The girls & I have enjoyed a few days of playing at home.  Here the girls are "in disguise" playing dress-up.  We also played "beauty shop" and filed, oiled, polished and dried our finger and toe nails!  We have been doing some Kindergarten & Preschool clothes, shoes, & backpack shopping this week, and this afternoon we went out to lunch and bowling with Aunt Val!  We're doing our best to have fun while we're inside on these hot & humid afternoons!  : )