Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olivia's Back-To-School Night

These pictures were taken in Olivia's classroom last night at her BTS night.  The middle picture is the self-portrait that she did.  Mommy & daddy thought it was an art masterpiece!  :)

Nora has started Preschool! These were taken yesterday before/at her "Open House". Today she had her first day & did great!

Here she is, getting familiar with all the toys & equipment!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Granny's TEA PARTY!!!

When Olivia, Nora, & their 3 friends arrived at Granny's this afternoon, Granny had tea party dresses laid out for the kids to wear, hats arranged on the chair, and jewelry and purses hanging from the dressers.  The girls patiently listened as the events of the party were being explained.

Once the girls were all dressed up, it was time to apply some make up!