Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fun with Friends

Thanks to Zac & Amanda, I think my girls will soon be asking for a four-wheeler!  Thanks for the food & fun today, guys!  :)

VBS 2009

Terry, Olivia, & Nora just finished up a fun-filled week at Vacation Bible School at our church this week.  I've been serenaded with VBS songs all week!  :)  Meanwhile, Tessa & I have been taking an online class through IUPUI.....well mostly I do all the work.  She sleeps!  

Saturday, July 11, 2009

This post is for Grandma!

My wonderful grandma!  My sister ventured out to PA to pick up grandma & her sister to bring them in for a visit.  The second day they were here, Grandma had a heart-attack that put her in the hospital.  She is getting ready to be braver than I've ever known her to be and have open-heart surgery on Monday.  She will have to stay in Indiana with all of us until she finishes out her rehab after the surgery.  What an amazing woman, to make such a sacrifice so her family can have her around much longer!  We are so thankful that she has made the decision to do the surgery, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives.  Thank you, Grandma, for being a part of my girls' lives (not to mention my own)!  We love you. 

Grandma & Aunt Joan bought all of the outfits in the pictures.  I think by looking at the last picture, we can assume that Tessa really likes them!  :)