Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nora at preschool, playing already!

Nora starts another year of Preschool!

Nora went into her classroom this year all brave and confident!  How far she's come!
Her and her little buddy, Sarah.
Nora & Sara and one of their teachers, Miss Meagan.
Nora & her buddy Boston.
Nora & our friend Amanda who teaches at the preschool.

Off to a good start!  :)  Yay for Nora!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tessa's Baptism

Tessa had her big day today!  We got her baptized this morning at our church, Avon United Methodist.  She was SO good!  She was sweet & quiet during the service, and even smiled when our pastor carried her around the sanctuary while the congregation sang to her.  Her sisters enjoyed being in the spotlight as well!  How blessed we are!!!

We posed for pictures outside of the church.

After the service, we invited everybody out for lunch at Papa Joe's to celebrate!

What a big day! What a happy baby!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tessa enjoyed a little swim today

We think Tessa is going to be a fan of the pool!

All the pretty ladies...

Terry & I had a BALL swimming with all the girls today!  The kids in the neighborhood just love Terry~they call him "Cool Guy"!  He eats it up.  :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Look at my big girl!

Olivia had a successful first day of FIRST grade today!  She loves her teacher, Mrs. Spacco (rhymes with "Taco" she said!), and rode the bus like a champ!  No tears from Liv or mom & dad, but poor little sis!  Nora wanted to ride the bus too!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dress Up

Tessa & I played "dress-up" yesterday in the dresses that Nana & Granny bought for Liv & Nora when they were babies!  Tessa is going to get baptized in 2 weeks in this first gown...