Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nora, the dancer!

Nora's first little dance class- Faithful Feet at our church!  She was SO cute!  I loved the improv she added to their routine!  :)  She L-O-V-E-S it!!!

A "Fancy" birthday party!

I took the girls to their friend Taylor's "Fancy Nancy" birthday party today.  It was one of THE cutest, girly parties I had ever been to!  All 12 kiddos started out painting little fancy treasure boxes.

After present-opening, there was hula-hooping & dancing!

The girls had a tea party, decorated "fancy" cupcakes, and played with a big parachute!

How cute!

Tessa's first taste of rice cereal

Well, she wasn't crazy about it on the spoon, but later we sprinkled some in her bottle and she chugged it right down!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Beautiful Babes!

Random pictures

Here is Tess & daddy
Here is the all-girls sleepover I had at my house on Friday night
And my girlie handling the ball in her soccer game on Saturday
She is fast & aggressive~scored 2 goals!

Olivia's biggest fans...her sisters!