Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We are enjoying our new puppy, & our visits from Grandma while she's here!

Breakfast and gifts at Mamaw & Papaw's

Opening gifts at Granny & Poppie's

Smith Family Present Opening

Smith side of the family- Christmas celebration

I think Tess likes Grandma!

Our trip to PA to get Grandma!

Here we are at my cousin Cindy's beautiful new house, visiting the fam. This is my cousin, Gia, and her mommy, Gina, is expecting another daughter soon.
Here's Aunt Sandy lovin' on Tess...
Nora & Gia were little buddies!
Aunt Sandy with all the girls...
...and Liv & her favorite buddy, Uncle Greg!

Olivia's Winter Concert

Here's my girl, ready to go sing at her school for the 1st Grade Winter Concert. Her daddy got her ready because mommy had her IUPUI class. :( Daddy video taped the performance so mommy could see her little popstar!

Sitting on Santa's lap

Here we all are at our church sitting on Santa's (our friend Zac) lap. Tessa did great, & seemed to like Santa's beard.