Thursday, April 29, 2010

1st Grade Field Trip to the Zoo

I took the day to go with my girl and her class to the zoo.Olivia's favorite part was getting to pet the sharks.
This was the group of 3 that I walked around with...
The 3 of them were content just playing on the playground.
And we got SOAKED at the dolphin show! :)
SOOOOO glad I got to spend the day with my Olivia! Can't wait to do things like this with her sisters...

The last dance (of THIS season anyways)

Look at my little angel...
and her wings...
and her pretty hair that mommy fixed...
her angelic friends...
and her sweet little dancin' feet!
Dancing is DEFINITELY Nora's "thing"! :)

Tessa meets the swing

Took Nora & Tessa to the park
It was Tessa's first time on a swing...
I think she liked it!

Well looky there- my feet!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To celebrate Nora's birthday, she & I had side-by-side pedicures

As you can see, this was right up her alley!
Nora picked "green" for mommy...

Nora's first soccer game

Although Nora did complain a little during her game about "being tired" and other kids "taking her ball", she DID look totally adorable in her soccer gear. And she said she liked it.

Mommy's little soccer star!

Olivia had her soccer game and afterwards, lost her front tooth!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Granny's- always a good time

The kids played on the top of the hill with bubbles. Tess REALLY liked her lollipop & bunny!

Nora Turns 4!!!!

We threw Nora a pizza-party for her birthday. She invited 5 friends from her preschool class. They played with princesses, danced, played in the yard on the swing set and with bubbles & sidewalk chalk. Nora opened presents, and they ended with a princess movie!

What a fun time