Monday, May 24, 2010

Ready for bed!

Goodnight, my darlings!

A Splashin' Good Time!

Ever since Livi was a baby, I've wanted a water table. Granny found one for Tess's birthday, and she LOVES it!
She wanted to get in...
She stood by it proudly...
she splashed & clapped...
Look at those precious little arms and hands!

BIG girls!

Look at the "little mamas" caring for their babies...
Tessa stayed inside and had cheese and pretzels in her new booster high chair!

1st Grade Picnic

Daddy, Nora, & Tessa joined Olivia today for her first grade picnic. They ate outside and hiked behind the school!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cake Time!

It took her a while to get into the whole cake-thing...

eventually, she got the hang of it!

Oh, my baby! May all of her birthdays find her happy & healthy all of her life! :)
I love you, my sweetheart!

Tessa Turns 1

Just look at my "Birthday Princess" on her special day!

Everybody loves her!

Tessa's big day!

Got my girls all dressed alike in their pretty ensembles for church this morning in honor of Tessa's first birthday!
We hadn't had a "family-pic" in some time!
Love this face!!!

I like this last picture for 3 reasons- 1: it shows Olivia's lack of teeth in the front (so cute!), 2: it shows Nora's true personality (always posing!), and 3: this has got to be the funniest face Tessa makes (and she makes it ALL the time now!). ;)

Western Box-Car Race

Olivia's Field Day is this Tuesday. I decorated her this box car for their "western-themed" races! Go Livi!

Growing up!

I can't even express how hard it is lately watching this little one grow up!
She plays with her sisters...
loves her some cell-phones...
has mastered climbing up our stairs...
and makes this face whenever she is happy or excited! God help me remember every moment!

End of a GREAT season!

Olivia just ended her spring soccer season this week. She was soooo good this year! She is going to keep playing next year!