- Terry started a new job as a marketing/salesman for a company called Puroclean.
- The girls are back into a babysitting routine: Mondays & Wednesdays Denise (our friend Zac's mom) watches Tessa and keeps Nora in the afternoons after Amanda brings her home from preschool); Tuesdays & Fridays Nana (my mom) watches them, and Thursdays they stay at our house with their Granny (Terry's mom).
- Nora was sick for about 9 days with an inner ear virus called Labrynthitis that had us at the pediatricians and the ER! She was experiencing so much unbalance from her ear virus that she could not stand or walk without falling over. It was like someone was moving the room on her all the time. It was awful! Definitely the scariest thing that's ever happened to our family.
- On a fun note, we went camping last weekend for fall break with our best friends, the Williams, at Hickery Hills in Spencer, IN. It was Tessa's very first camping trip. We stayed in Zac & Amanda's pop-up camper and they stayed in a friend's camper that they borrowed. Soooo much fun!!!! Here are some pictures from our weekend! (A BIG thank you to Amanda for taking all of these pictures with her camera since our camera is being sassy!)