Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some of the funny faces Tessa has made already that we've managed to catch photos of

Hot Potato!

Tessa has had a lot of visitors!  She's been passed around like a hot potato!  I think she's enjoying it.  :)

How cute is Nora?

It's funny how having a new baby in the house makes you fall in love all over again with all of your kids.  I keep thinking about when Olivia & Nora were babies and I start to notice how big they are both getting!  Just look at Nora....up until a week ago today, SHE was the baby.  I'm just on cloud-9 with the 3 of them this week!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We got to take our new baby girl home on Memorial Day!

We are so in love!

Her happy family!

Welcome Baby Tessa!

She's here!  
Her birth story:  Early Saturday morning, I started having contractions while lying awake in bed at 6:30am.  When I knew they were 3 minutes apart, I took a shower and Terry got himself and the girls ready.  We arrived at the hospital at 9:00 am and I was 4 cm dilated.  My contractions quickly began to worsen, and I immediately started asking for my epidural.  My nurse gave me a saline i-v to prep me for the doctor to okay my epidural.  With each contraction, I knew my water was breaking more and more.  After checking me, the doctor said there was no time for the epidural and that I was about to have the baby right then!  I screamed and cried and yelled, just like in the movies (poor Terry, I think I scared him), and shortly after arriving at the hospital, I gave birth to her at 10:16 am.  After the most exciting hour of our lives, we now have the most perfect little angel, Tessa Rose Smith.  She weighed a whopping 6 pounds 12 ounces and was 19 inches long.