Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome Baby Tessa!

She's here!  
Her birth story:  Early Saturday morning, I started having contractions while lying awake in bed at 6:30am.  When I knew they were 3 minutes apart, I took a shower and Terry got himself and the girls ready.  We arrived at the hospital at 9:00 am and I was 4 cm dilated.  My contractions quickly began to worsen, and I immediately started asking for my epidural.  My nurse gave me a saline i-v to prep me for the doctor to okay my epidural.  With each contraction, I knew my water was breaking more and more.  After checking me, the doctor said there was no time for the epidural and that I was about to have the baby right then!  I screamed and cried and yelled, just like in the movies (poor Terry, I think I scared him), and shortly after arriving at the hospital, I gave birth to her at 10:16 am.  After the most exciting hour of our lives, we now have the most perfect little angel, Tessa Rose Smith.  She weighed a whopping 6 pounds 12 ounces and was 19 inches long. 

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