Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nora, March 2010

Nora Frances! What can I say? She is HYSTERICAL! She dances like nobody's business. She can't hear music without shakin her bootie, or waving her hands in front of her face like in Pulp Fiction! She sings her little heart out. Her Faithful Feet dance group is getting ready to start back up. Nora is going to play spring soccer for the first time in a few weeks. She LOVES preschool, so we're going to let her go 3 days a week next year. She is learning her letters and their sounds, and is an absolute whiz on the computer! We laugh all day long with her around! Can't believe she'll be 4 years old next month. What happened to Momma's little baby? I keep telling them, NO MORE GROWING!

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