Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our week

This week, Olivia had basketball camp each morning at Avon High School. She had never played before, so her daddy bought her THE cutest red and white Nike hightop shoes.
She won the shooting contest twice. Check out that form!
I like this air-shot!
And her little sisters waited patiently (well, mostly) for the hour and a half that she played each day. :) Thank goodness for my new double-stroller!

Bowling anyone?

After leaving the Danville theater with some very sad little girls after we found out they were sold out for Toy Story 3, we moved to plan "B" and took all 6 girls bowling.
We had instant smiles...
It took a bit of managing, since we only got there at about 8pm.
But we had a great time with the Williams, as always.
Uh-oh, who put these two in charge?

bowling (continued)

Terry helped little Sydney (who had SUCH a good time!)
This is what the girls now call their "MAD-LOVE". They get MAD at each other, then they LOVE each other!

Tessa really looked long and hard for a sufficient bowling ball...
Then the girls had some "doubles" racing while the dads paid the bill!
A very fun evening after all!

Pedi's all around!

I took all 3 girls to get our toes fancied up. Nora really likes this kind of treatment (in case you can't tell!).
Livi enjoyed the pampering after basketball camp!
And I don't know if Tessa enjoyed it or not. This little angel slept through her toe-painting (which was probably a good thing for mommy's little "wiggle-worm"!).
Tessa's finished toes!

Wedding bells!

My week ended with a wedding last night. My beautiful friend and co-worker, Katie, got married in Muncie, and my friends and I posed for this picture that Terry took at her reception.
I can't even express how happy I was to share this evening with one of my best friends, Jo (bottom middle), who struggled in the hospital this year. Glad to have her back!
Terry and I enjoyed the evening out together, while Granny, Poppie, and Luc entertained the girls until the wee hours of the night. Thanks, Granny! And thank you to Katie for a wonderful time!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mother-Daughter(s) day!

I had a fabulous day with my girls today. We enjoyed a picnic lunch on our back patio, followed by some painting.
Then we went out for some ice cream!

To the park we go!

I took my girlies to the park...
they ran and played...
Tessa wasn't too sure at first...
these two LOVE the swings...
and then there's my climber. :)

my pretty ladies

Keeping cool

It was a scorcher! We had to stay hydrated the whole time. After I finished my diet Coke, I filled my cup with water for Tess (since she kept trying to take it from me anyways), and this girl went to town!

I tried to cool them off by making a breeze on the tire swing.

Through the woods and home for a swim!

The girls and I took a walk by the water...

then we strolled through the woods...
sat on a tree stump for a little break...
then home for dinner and a swim!
How I DO enjoy time with my girls! :)

Dating again!

Olivia and I had our "date" a couple evenings ago. I took her wherever she wanted to go- which was to Target (where we enjoyed a hot chocolate and a coffee), dinner and games at Chuck-E-Cheese, and to the Dollar Store.
Can't wait to "date" this one! :)


The other night, I had 3 guests for the night in addition to my own girls- 3 neighbor kids. We made some crafts before we watched a movie and had some popcorn!