Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spent the weekend horse-in' around!

On Saturday, our neighbor Jenna babysat the girls so Terry and I could go out for dinner and drinks with some old friends- Tabitha & Tonya & Amber.
Afterwards, Terry and I took off to the movie theater to see the very last of the Harry Potter's. It was soooo good!

Sunday morning we went to church, and here's a picture of Tessa's face after she devoured a donut on the way home!
After changing our clothes, we headed to Clayton to Trinity Farms for Olivia's very first ever horseback-riding lesson. They gave us a tour of their stables. This is Splash, the horse that Olivia was going to get to ride.

After meeting the rest of the horses,

Olivia saddled up
and climbed up onto the horse. She steered him, all by herself, in circles and around cones.
We watched big sis from the observation deck.

She had so much fun!
And then on Monday, she got to start her week of volleyball camp.
And as you probably guessed....
yep, she's good at that too! :)

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