Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tessa's Off to Preschool!

I took Tess to preschool today for her Open House. She was so excited!
She wanted to wear her backpack inside...
she went right up to her teachers, said hi to each of them, and unpacked her supply donations.
She found a friend to play in the dollhouse with.
She actually turned to me and said "Bye mommy" like she was completely fine if I was going to leave her.
Nana should have an easy time dropping her off in the morning for her first day, considering she didn't want to leave when Open House was over!
Our little baby! Starting school...... when did she get so big?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Olivia's First Day of Third Grade

Look at my baby! So grown up! Olivia had a great first day of school yesterday. Daddy took these before she got on the bus.

Little sister watched.

Tonight, Terry & I went to her Back To School Night. Sitting on her desk was a baggie with puzzle pieces inside for us to put together.

Olivia wrote about how much she loves her family, and enjoyed her trip to Cincinnati to see the Reds this summer. It was hanging on the bulletin board in the hallway outside of her room.
And while Terry & I were at Back To School Night, our 3 girls played with some babysitters at our church. When we came to pick them up, here's how we found Tessa!
Hopefully a good indication that she will like preschool in this very room when she starts there next week! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The First of the Firsts! Nora goes to Kindergarten

School is back in session. I returned to Rhoades for my 12th year of teaching on Monday, August 8th, and Nora started as a kindergartner at my school on Wednesday, August 10th. How did she do, you ask....

Nora loves her teacher and has had a great first 5-days of school!
Olivia has her first day of school as a 3rd grader tomorrow, and Tessa will start preschool next week on the 24th. More pics to come!
And here are a couple of fun shots taken in our backyard!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Photos & Fun

We drove out to visit our friends at Heritage Lake yesterday to do our own family-photo shoots. We take pictures of their family, and they take ours. We first took some on the train tracks in Coatsville.

Then, we found an old barn and some bails of hay to use as our backdrops!

And last, we took some on the beach by the lake.

As a reward for posing and smiling so good and for such a long time, the kids were rewarded with some time in the water!

Taking pieces of summer with us, as we move into fall and the business of the upcoming school year! :)