Friday, August 5, 2011

The Fruits of our "Crafty" Labor Today

The Williams joined the Smith's this afternoon for a crafty-afternoon! First, we made tea-light candle holders (got the idea from cousin Bri!).

We took some fun pics...
loved on baby Garrett...

and were hard at work for hours. We decorated clay pots to hold our flower-pens.

In between crafts, there was a stamp area.
We decorated tiles that we turned in to coasters.
We made mosaic paper-plates!

And ended with popcorn and a movie.
Our finished products...potted flower-pens,
tea-light candle holders,
photo coasters,
& coffee filter sun-catchers,
and mosaic plates!
Whew, a girl works up an appetite doing all those crafts! Good thing we live close to a Dairy Queen!

Oh, I'm gonna miss summer (and especially, all of the time I get to spend with my girls)!!!

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