Monday, January 16, 2012

Rough-n-Tough, Sugar-n-Sweet, and Naughty-n-Nice

One of the things I love about my girls is all of the different characteristics and qualities they bring to our family. Olivia- the little athlete- had her very first basketball game on Saturday.
1. That kid has heart, and is rough and tough! She ran herself all OVER that floor, taking the ball, shooting, getting rebounds--and it was the first time she had ever played in a game.
She was guarding a girl much bigger than her, and towards the end of the game fell to the carpeted floor during a play. Banged up knees and all, the coach awarded Olivia with the "Red Star" for her performance on defense. Gooooooo, Livi!
2. The girls got dressed up all spiffy for church in their matching dresses their Granny bought them for Christmas. Talk about sugary-sweet! Look at those beauties!

All morning Tessa said "Look at MY pretty dress"---princess!
Nora asked if she could wear HER dress ALL DAY---diva!
Olivia asked on the way home if she could take hers off---sporty spice!
(Check out my stud-muffin hubby [insert growl sound]) ;)
3. And that brings us to "naughty-n-nice"....which would be the words we would choose to describe our Tessa these days. Some of her shenanigans from the week:
  • drew on the window sill with pencil
  • colored on the hallway wall upstairs with crayon
  • dumped fire-engine red nail polish all over her hands (and the bathroom floor) and used them to paint her legs from thigh to foot
  • rubbed butte-paste on our glider chair
  • smeared my solid deodorant in her hair all over the top of her head
  • threw every item of clothing in Nora's dresser on her floor
  • peed in her princess tent
Whew! The "Terrible 2's"! Now, Tess does have equally "nice" qualities, like when she says "I love you, mommy" before I tell her I love her, she calls herself mommy's "Snuggle Bug" and asks to snuggle with me all the time, she has been helping to clean things up and put them away, she kisses and rocks our friend, baby Garrett, every chance she gets, and she gives mommy and daddy VERY big kisses! As difficult as some of her shenanigans have been, I know this stage will be over soon, she will be a BIG girl, and I will miss this.

Thank you, God, for my girls and their various qualities! :) I'm such a lucky momma!

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