Sunday, March 11, 2012

Baby Shower for baby Ava!

Baby Ava is just 7 short weeks from showing her beautiful face to the world! We are anxiously awaiting her arrival. Yesterday, mom and I threw Val a baby shower at my house.
Her homemade cakes... (Terry baked, I decorated, of course!)

We played 3 games, ate sandwiches and cakes, and then watched Val open all of her gifts. As you can see from the photos, she had two little helpers that can't keep their hands off of wrapped presents! :)

Although we took pictures of Val with ALL of her guests, considering who I know read this blog, I'll just include the ones with faces you may recognize....The first is Val with Nate's (daddy) mom, Val's soon-to-be-mother-in-law (in the center of the photo) and cousin (on the left).
Val's long-time BFF...Maggie
Val with my BFF...Amanda
I think you know THIS lovely lady :)
And who is THAT handsome hunk???
And here she is with MY favorite mother-in-law...Ruthann
So happy to have been able to host my little sister's baby shower for her and my can't-wait-to-meet, cutie-pie niece...AVA! (Val looks so glow-y!)
There are a few people to thank that helped out with the shower.
1. Our mom- for helping me plan, splitting the cost, and hosting it with me
2. Our dad- for doing all of the running around picking up food, getting supplies, and helping decorate
3. Amanda- for getting here early to help us set up and decorate, and playing "photographer" with me
4. Terry- for baking yummy cakes for us the night before

On a different note, Olivia finished up her season of Upward basketball. The "Lady Hoosiers" only won 2 of their 8 games, but worked together so well and were just the most awesome girls out there! Before the shower, we got to go to her Awards Ceremony where she received a duffle bag and her individual and team photos.

We LOVE our Lady Hoosiers!!!!! Great season, girlies! And great job coaches, one favorite in particular (daddy's on the left)!

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