Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fun in the sun

We have a special guest staying at our house this week - my nephew Connor.
We made a trip out to Frankfort yesterday to see Aunt Val and baby Ava.  While we were there, we visited a petting zoo,

played at the park,
and hung out at the pool.

And today we met some friends at the park and went out to lunch.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

What a nightmare of a week THAT was!

I know, right?  By the looks of these pictures taken by my bff, Amanda, while they were under her watch you would think, "What nightmare?  Looks like a pretty good time to me!"  Well, thanks to my mom, my mother-in-law, and Amanda, these three girlies still had some fun this past beautiful summer week.  Unfortunately, mommy had about the worst week of her life.  All three of the girls have had Strep throat in these first few weeks of summer.  Well, apparently I hadn't dodged it like I thought I would.  I spent 5 DAYS in bed this week with about the worse case of Strep ever known to man!  fevers over 102.  chills.  sweats.  aching pain all over.  totally infected tonsils.  glands so swollen you could see them bulging out of my neck.  didn't eat for days.  had to be taken to the doctors twice in a wheelchair.  

After a round of steroids and 2 different antibiotics (all of which I am still now taking), yesterday I finally started feeling better.  

I'm ready to get back to fun-in-the-sun with my cutie pies!  Thanks to everyone that helped us get through this week!  I don't know what my family would do without you.  xoxoxoxo
(and Amanda, thanks for taking these AWESOME pictures!!!!)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

11th Wedding Anniversary

We celebrated with an all day date that ended at the Oliver Winery in Bloomington.
 I am ridiculously happy with this man!
 I look forward to the next 11 years with him.  The first 11 have been pretty wonderful!
I love you, honey!  Happy 11th anniversary!

Nana and Pap Pap's pool

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Catch of the Day

Went to Nana's and swam in the pool today (even though it was a bit chilly in the water!).
 And afterwards, this one just kept on catching her some fish!!!

 This is what our backyard looks like most days when the weather is nice....full of girls, and pink lemonade, and toys!  :)

Beach party at Heritage Lake!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Home Depot and Daisy End of Year Celebration

Took the girls out to the Carmel Home Depot (Daddy's work) for their Kids Build-It Workshop.  They put together and painted organizer boxes!

 Then we headed over to the Splash Pad for some wet-and-wild fun and a picnic to celebrate the end of Nora's first year of Daisies!

Ahhhhhh, have I mentioned that I love summer?