Friday, June 1, 2012

Schooooool's out, for, summer!

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!!!!  Oh do I LOVE it!  Took my girls to the park already.
 Nora picked out her own ensemble, can you tell?  Summer is a free-for-all, wear-what-ya-want!  She's a regular 'Punky Bruster!'

 And let me just tell you all about THIS one's accomplishment!  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we - are - potty - trained!!!!  Woooohoooo!
 Looking forward to lots of cuddle time with the family this summer!  Stay tuned for LOTS of pictures of our summer outings on here!
 We had a VERY nice visit with Papaw today!  Granny brought him by and it was my honor to fill our camera up with videos of him reminiscing about when he was, war, jobs he used to have, dog stories, Mamaw stories.  What a fabulous memory for Ruthann, Danny, Barb, and Deb and all the grandkids to look back on someday!  We love you, Papaw!  Today was a day to remember.

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