Sunday, July 22, 2012

We've been...

growing (gosh, this one has gotten SO BIG this summer!)
 got the dog groomed
 getting manicures and pedicures from mommy
 going out to lunch

 and today we spent the afternoon in Brown County
 had some lunch,
 took some pictures,

 walked around the shops,

 drank some strawberry soda,
 grubbed on some ice cream,

 washed it down with some Coca-Cola,

 and washed up before we left.
Fun family day!!!

Visiting Ava and Aunt Val in Frankfort

Last week we enjoyed lunch at the park, some animals at the petting zoo, and some swimming in Frankfort when we went to visit Aunt Val and Ava!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

VBS - Day 1

This week is Vacation Bible School at our church.  So much fun!  Last year I was Nora's grade's Line Leader.  This year I am with Olivia and the 4th graders.  We rotate to different stations throughout the morning, including (1) Science outside where we made Lava Lamps today,

 (2) Music, (3) Outdoor Recreation,

 (4) Storytime
 (5) Crafts,

 then (6) Snack.  During snack, I snuck over to Tessa's room and snapped some pictures while she wasn't looking.
 Looks like she had fun too!
 Then here are my 18 sweet 4th graders ready to sing songs with Miss Linda at the Closing.
 After VBS and some lunch, we went swimming with friends, then headed home to feed the geese and cool off!