Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Hodge-Podge of Happenings

I'm way behind in posting pictures - Grandma will be happy when she visits my blog and sees that I've finally posted some things!  ;)
Tessa got her haircut at the BIG beauty salon for the first time recently (up until now, she's always gotten her haircuts at Cookie Cutters).

 She liked it.
Olivia recently hit her very first ever softball at practice this past Tuesday.  Looking forward to more hits in her double-header games this Saturday!

 Little sisters like to play and have fun during big sister's softball practices and games.

 All 3 girls have been doing LOTS of reading lately.  We've had a really consistent routine since school started - 20 minutes every evening.

 On a recent rainy day, the girls painted.
 Our garage is the neighborhood hang out.

 The girls watching a movie in the van on the way home from church this past Sunday (must have been a good one!)
 Olivia invited her classmate and girl scout buddy, Brooke, over on Sunday to hang out (football was on - notice their face makeup?)
 School picture day was recently.  (Thanks for the new clothes, Granny & Poppie!)
 Nana took the girls to Grandparents Day at school - Granny & Poppie met them there.  Cute picture, don't you think?
 This evening, Olivia's troop had a 'pinning ceremony' - I got to 'pin' her, as she officially became a 'junior' girl scout.
 A partial picture of the 16 girls in her troop.
We had our Parent/Teacher conferences with both Olivia's and Nora's teachers this week.  Proud of how good they are doing in school.  Nora joined Joyful Sound Choir at our church.  Olivia got to be an Acolyte at church for the first time last Sunday, and will do it again this Sunday along with volunteering in the church nursery - she's getting so big!  Tessa is absolutely obsessed with the letter "T" in her name and is noticing it everywhere.  She is all about her ABCs right now!  I am finally getting organized and in a groove of supporting teachers in my 3 buildings - I feel so fortunate to work in the schools that I do, I'm surrounded by talent.  Loving it!  Mommy and daddy are just trying to keep from falling over - what a busy week we've had!  Feel like the Energizer Bunny - we just keep going and going!  Whew.

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