Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Madness!

The month of March has been quite eventful and full - and it's not even over yet!
The girls finished up their season of Upward basketball and cheerleading.

 (check out those awesome mismatch socks from Granny!)

 Someone (Tess) visited the dentist for the very first time!
 She had to wear some fancy sunglasses to shade her from the bright spotlight.  ;)
 Mommy has been experimenting with us sleeping with wet braids.

 On an icy day off, I took Tess to the library to play for the afternoon.

 Our biggest (and scariest) event this month was when Tessa was racing her sisters to answer the front door, tripped over Nora, and flew head-first into the door hinge.  Split her head open deep.  After a long wait at the ER, she got 4 stitches.  She was a champ!
 Look at our little Frankenstein.  :(  5 days later she slept through the visit for removing the stitches.  What a good patient she was.
 We had some visitors (Mamaw & Papaw).
 And got our spring pictures taken at school in our new outfits.  This big girl turns 10 next week.  Sleepover Party pictures to come after next weekend!

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