Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's been a while!

So, it's been a long while since I've had a chance to post any pictures. When I'm not cleaning, doing dishes, vacuuming, doing laundry, making beds, wiping faces, or picking up toys, I've been hard at work on some BIG assignments for my master's class (which ends in just a few more days- then just ONE more class this fall, and I'm done!). A few weeks ago, we had a little accident with our puppy, Shelby. She got shoved while trying to steal Tessa's cookie and fell butt first to the floor and broke & dislocated one of her back legs. Permanent damage was done. Poor Shelby! She wore a splint for 3 weeks, and we just took it off this week. She is not using the leg at all, just walks with it held an inch from the floor, but is slowly running and playing again on the other 3 legs. Poor Shelby!

This happened during our week at VBS at our church. Terry & I each volunteered in both of the girls' groups. It was a fun and memorable week for all of us, as it has been the past 3 years we have done it. We are so happy and at home there!

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