Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our winter break is coming to an end...

and boy have we had fun playing with all of our Christmas toys! We've played "Just Dance" on our Wii, games like "Headbanz", "Jenga", "Checkers", and Mario Kart on the DS's. We also did some magic experiments...
and made things fizz and bubble!

Here's Olivia playing her W.O.R.D. game, and Nora writing in her diary.
Tess and I are enjoying our Cracker Barrel rocking chairs.
It's been a blast!
Hardly any time to sit and be bored :)

We hibernated at home most of vacation, though we did get up and go
to visit with our good friends from New Jersey while they were in town. Here is Liv & Nora with Luke and Travis, and more of our Schubert friends, Hannah & Cameron.
Kim and Colton
Terry & Luke
And Jason tried his best to pose Tess & Colt for one last pic. It didn't go so well. :)
I feel the same way as Tessa now that our vacation together is coming to its end!

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