Well, I stayed home from work on Friday to take Nora & Tessa to the doctor. Nora had a bad chest cold and Tessa had an ear infection. After several breathing treatments and some medicine, they were (thankfully) okay enough to enjoy their 3-way birthday party! Tess put on her "CHEESE" face...

and look at those big, blue eyes!

This one felt just fine....can you tell? :)

The girls cuddled with their Uncle Teddy for a few hours before the rest of their guests arrived.

After some grilled food for dinner, we presented all 3 girls with some "new rides"! Nora, a bike with training wheels...

Tessa a little trike...

and Olivia with a big girl scooter!

Granny topped it all off with some kitty-cat helmets!

After some helmet adjustments...

They were ready to cruise down the sidewalk!

Tess cooked up some dessert cookies with Nana.

And Grandma challenged her to a plastic spoon fight...

never bring a knife to a spoon fight, Tessa!

After the party ended, poor Olivia smashed her finger in our front door and broke it. And Tessa went to bed with a fever. The next morning was Easter, and I woke up to Nora throwing up and feverish. She ended up throwing up 3 times on Easter, the last of which happened just as we arrived at Granny & Poppie's for lunch and egg hunting. Weirdly, this picture was taken right after that.

Granny had chicken tenders and chicken salad sandwiches (among other things) for lunch.

And she made her very own Easter cherry cobbler!

After lunch, it was outside (in the wet, wet grass) for some egg-finding!

Cousin Drew joined the gang this year!

Followed by some hula-hooping (I know what you're all thinking....what a great idea for a kid who spent her morning puking...kids are so bizarre when they're sick)!

Cousin Connor had all 4 spinning around his middle at one point. The kids were amazingly good at hula-hooping!

Then Granny brought out an Easter bucket with goodies for each kid!

We ended Easter with dinner at Nana & Pap Pap's that evening and Easter buckets with more goodies for the girls. We worked hard to get all of the dogs (my sister's dogs, my mom & dad's new puppy, and Shelby) to sit still long enough for a picture.

In the end, we had to call in some reinforcements to get everyone to stay put!

All the excitement made for a "birthday" and an "Easter" to remember :)
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