Monday, May 16, 2011

Go Reds!

Thanks to Poppie & Granny, we ended up with 4 tickets to the Saturday & Sunday Reds games this past weekend, and a free hotel stay in Cincinnati. Here was the view from our hotel window...
our hotel...
our room...

the bridge we walked across to get to the baseball stadium...
and here we are at the first game on Saturday...

We visited the hall of fame museum...

Game #2 on Sunday...

What a fabulous weekend! It was so much fun! Thanks for the tickets Poppie & Granny, and a special thanks to Aunt Val for keeping Tessa & Shelby while we were gone!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Our Little Graduate!

Last night, Nora had her preschool graduation ceremony.

We were so proud of her. They sang about 6 or so songs, most about going to kindergarten. Then, she spoke very clearly into the microphone when it was her turn: "When I grow up, I want to be a teacher". I wonder where she came up with THAT idea! ;)
Each child had made a book about their school year. The inside had page after page of things about Nora, and samples of her work.
We also got this lovely coaster.
And then I noticed that the very back page of the book had all of her school photos from when she was in 2/3s, 3/4s, and this year (4/5s).
They had cake and punch refreshments!

After her dessert, we walked around to find her friends for picture-posing.

What a big girl! And what a big girl job she did.