Last night, Nora had her preschool graduation ceremony.
We were so proud of her. They sang about 6 or so songs, most about going to kindergarten. Then, she spoke very clearly into the microphone when it was her turn: "When I grow up, I want to be a teacher". I wonder where she came up with THAT idea! ;) Each child had made a book about their school year. The inside had page after page of things about Nora, and samples of her work. We also got this lovely coaster. And then I noticed that the very back page of the book had all of her school photos from when she was in 2/3s, 3/4s, and this year (4/5s). They had cake and punch refreshments! After her dessert, we walked around to find her friends for picture-posing. What a big girl! And what a big girl job she did.
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