Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Fun!

When the trees their summer splendor
Change to raiment red and gold,
When the summer moon turns mellow,
And the nights are getting cold;
When the squirrels hide their acorns,
And the woodchucks disappear;
Then we know that it is autumn,
Loveliest season of the year.
-Charlotte L. Riser
Yesterday, my best friend and I planned an afternoon of fall crafts, activities, and cookies for our 7 kids collectively! We took some pictures outside first.

Then, we gathered everyone into the kitchen for crafts.

How true...
Each one waited as patiently as they could for their turn to help bake cookies.

Garrett enjoyed watching. :)

Time to eat some cookies!

The mommy's made ourselves some halloween photo magnets with the photos from outside.

We were credited for our hard work.... :)

Whew! What a fun fall day!
Total items made:
  1. Decorated candy buckets
  2. Wooden bead Halloween necklaces
  3. Scratch-art ornaments
  4. Photo magnets
  5. Candy necklaces
  6. Cookies
  7. Halloween Word Search
  8. Coloring Pages
  9. Sticker Pictures
  10. Halloween Paintings
  11. Lunch AND dinner

1 comment:

Jade said...

I am tired just reading this post! Sounds like fun though!