Last night we were all invited to Granny & Poppie's for a Fall Party and a costume contest. Olivia was a vampiress...

Finally, I must say, that I've killed SEVERAL hours this past week on a website that some gals from work got me hooked on (thanks ladies, you know who you are!) called So far I've attempted 3 ideas that I got off of this website.
#1: I created a game for Nora (I called "Addition Blaster") and one for Olivia (called "Multiplication Blaster"). I put 2 die in a short plastic container. They roll their die and either add or multiply the #s and then "blast" (cross off) their answer!

#2: I created a number line with a paint stick, rectangle stickers, and a clothes pin (to help Nora learn how to count-on to add 2 numbers).
And for their snack today, I sliced up some apples for the girls, cored them, smeared them with peanut butter, and sprinkled oats, nuts, and chocolate chips on them. They were a hit!
I am so anxious to make more of the crafts and snacks that I have found on pinterest. It is rather addictive! Speaking of being crafty, Granny traditionally has always been the one to make the girls their "potty charts". Here is her latest creation for Tessa!
Now, if I could just get her to actually GO potty on the potty..... :)

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