Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to us! 34 and counting...

This month Terry and I celebrated our birthdays. Here we are....two old geezers saying hello to our mid-thirties.
We have much to be thankful for! I mean which blessing should we pick....
My fabulous mom and dad for getting us a gift card to P.F. Changs and babysitting the girls for us while we went out? Good friends that went with us to celebrate?
Our wonderful in-laws who contributed some green so we could enjoy our night?
This little beauty sporting her favorite European Country (ITALY! In honor of her italian Aunt Sandy!) for her Girl Scout event?
When this little Smurffet just sometimes isn't ready for bed?
The fact that we are priveledged enough to get looked at like this everyday?
The gift of having a church that we love to dress up and go to every Sunday?
Or the giggles that come out of this little guy when we play with him?
Sheesh, if this is our mid-thirties, I'll just stay here thank you! :)

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