On Saturday morning, we went to church for our traditional "Breakfast with Santa" where we eat and sit on Santa's lap and tell him what we want (if you are interested....Nora told Santa she wanted a teddy bear, Olivia asked for an electric scooter, and Tessa said she wanted a snowball!). Then the girls shopped for their sisters and their mom and dad at the Santa shop, before ending the morning making crafts with Miss Linda.

We bought tickets through Olivia's girl scout troop and sat in the same section as all of her brownie friends and their families.
It was quite a spectacular show!
The girls were fascinated.
The elephants were a family favorite for the Smiths!

We bought a snowcone, some fruit smoothies, and a hot pretzel during the show. Afterwards, we were all tired. It was an awesome show that overloaded our senses to the max!

Happy weekend, everyone!
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