Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Favorites and Resolutions for 2012

My last blog post for 2011...what a great year! The kids sat with Terry and I today as we went through each month on my blog, looking back at all that we have done in 2011 and picking our favorites from the year.

Terry and I agreed that our combined favorite was our 10th anniversary trip to Chicago.
My work trip to New York City was definitely both a highlight and a professional turning point for me.
Terry's favorite...our weekend in Cincinnati watching the Reds.
Olivia's favorites were horseback riding,
and camping!
Nora said her favorites were fall craft day,
visits to the apple orchard,
and being a junior bridesmaid!
My New Years Resolutions for 2012:
  • Focus on solutions, not problems.
  • Devote more time to the things I value most.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Keep sight of what's important. (Don't sweat the small stuff.)
  • Do More- love more, pray more, read more, play more, learn more, give more.
  • Remember everyday how blessed I am.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First snow of the winter!

Someone finally got their "snowball" they wanted for Christmas (Tessa Rose)!
And these two had snowballs for me!

Whew! It was C-O-L-D out there! Time for some hot-chocolate in our new little cocoa mugs!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2011

We had some 'Happy Holidays', all right! Christmas Eve morning began with breakfast at our house at 10am. On the menu was...sausage, bacon, eggs, croissants, fruit, and momossas! Grandma is here for 3 weeks to spend Christmas with us.

After hanging out at my house all day, we headed over to Granny & Poppie's for the "Smith Family Christmas"!

Granny's Reindeer Cheeseball!

Uncle Clayton got caught playing Barbie's with Nora. :)
All the cousins...
Funny faces...
Terry's mom, dad, and sister.
Me and my hunky hubby!
Our Party of 5
We didn't get home until after 11pm, then we were up until 1:00 getting ready for Christmas morning. At 2am, poor Olivia woke up with the pukes! :( Pretty sure it was a result of all the chocolate-chip cookies she ate the night before. Then she came down the stairs at 7am, took one glance at all the gifts under the tree, then ran to the bathroom to get sick again. My poor girl! She was able to muster up some smiles and open some presents anyways.
Check out Tessa's "Home Alone" pose...and is that daddy making the face behind her too???

Someone's excited about her singing Justin Beber doll!

And by 8:30 am we were at Granny & Poppie's for Christmas morning there.
Nora's new scooter.
All 3 girls got these matching dresses from Granny. Aren't they so cute?

Connor's #1 (or #2 if you count him wanting an iPad) item on his Christmas list, from Aunt Missy and Uncle Bub!
Our gift to Lucas. ;)
A mirror for the princess.
Tessa got an American Girl doll like her big sisters....which is gorgeous by the way, Granny!
My Smurfette got her a Smurfette doll!
Absolute Diva!
Another Diva? Oh boy!

Granny's tree.
Fancy Nancys...
Some gooooood lookin' guys!
And poor Livi, still trying to enjoy Christmas morning!
By 11:00am, we were at Mamaw & Papaw's house out on Heritage Lake for the "Napier Family breakfast"!
What a good picture of Aunt Fer-Fer (Jennifer) and Nora.
Trying to get Tessa to pose for more pictures...

Granny & Poppie and all of their grandbabies!
The Three Stooges

We got to see cousin Brooke for a bit before she caught her flight to LA!
Awe, Mamaw & Papaw...
The whole clan!
Granny and her mom, dad, and brother Danny
And by 3:00, we were back at our house ready for the "Carlisle Family Christmas". (Yes folks, that's 5 Christmases)

Some onesies for baby Ava...

Oh, just look at my living room!
And one last photo-shoot!
Four-generation picture

Grandma and her grandkids.
Me, my bro, and my sis
The Carlisle's

Future Mr. and Mrs. Phillips (Nate proposed to Val the day after Christmas)!
And my wacky bunch!

One lucky couple!
Merry Christmas to all...
and to all a Good Night!
Ready to bring in the new year! This year was pretty great!