Saturday, August 11, 2012

Back to School - and Family Fun @the Reds Game in Cincinnati

Summer's over for the Smiths.  The girls and I started back to school/work Wednesday Aug. 1st!  
Olivia is in 4th grade this year, and her teacher is Mrs. Corcoran.  Nora is in 1st grade and has Mrs. Syberg.  Nora is joining her big sis at Maple this year.
Nora got to ride the bus to and from school for the first time too.  I think she liked that part!
As for mommy, I am the Staff Developer at 3 Wayne Schools this year - Rhoades, Robey, and Brideport.  I have a VERY busy schedule, but I am loving it so far.  I have met a lot of new teachers already, and there are even some ROE and BPE students who now wave at me in the hallway since I have visited some their classrooms!  That I love.  Hoping to have a positive impact in all 3 settings I work in.  It's going to be a great year.  :)

Last weekend, we joined 13 other Smith-side family members in Cincinnati for a Reds/Pirates Game.  So fun!

With a little rain this week, and now some cooler temperatures, I'm ready for Fall - colorful leaves, pumpkins, hot tea, pumpkin-spice lattes, jeans, boots, bonfires, smores, hikes, candles with fall scents....!!!  Bring it on!

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